7 Tips For A Stress-free Move

Moving into your new home can be exciting, even fun, but often people find that, above all, it is stressful. Below are 7 tried and true tips to help ease the stress of your upcoming move!

  1. The Packing Spot

    There is a reason all professional movers establish a packing spot in each room during their pre-move walkthrough. The KEY to successfully moving yourself is to clear a space for you to pack each box of items.

  2. Make a materials list

    Before you rush to the store to go get boxes upon boxes, enough markers to fill a school building, and more tape than anyone should ever need…plan ahead. Often, movers will provide an estimated table of measurements for free that you can work off of to help determine the supplies you may need. If that sounds helpful, Click The Link Here to receive a FREE personalized inventory list of your home.

  3. Color Code, Color Code, Color Code

    Professional movers like us use them. Every major Van Line uses them. Color coded stickers will make your post move experience almost completely stress-free. Rather than stressing over how many boxes were in each room and what belongs where when you arrive at your new residence, just slap a colored dot on each box to delineate between rooms and keep a master list for yourself and your family to reference.

  4. Better safe than sorry. Pack Early.

    As moving time gets closer and the stress begins to build, begin packing to avoid issues later on. The last thing anyone wants to worry about is having to run to closing with only a half-packed house. To prevent this from happening, start packing weeks to months in advance to avoid a future head-ache.

  5. Invest in cleaning supplies

    After you finish packing, your house is bound to look like a tornado found its way in. Cleaning supplies like brooms, mops, sponges, household cleaners, and rags will help you get your house ready for its new owners.

  6. Maximize storage spaces

    If you can fit it in a suitcase, pack it in a suitcase. these travel containers were designed to be roughly handled and filled with more than they should carry. Utilize them well. Don’t spend unnecessary money on boxes and tape for your clothes when you can store them in your suitcases. NOTE: Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to load dressers with clothes and move them. Aside from making them extra heavy, this can easily lead to drawer failure on a bumpy road or if your moving truck sways.

  7. Don’t lose your valuables

    Finally, to avoid a major headache when you arrive at your new home, place all of your valuables in a small box and keep that with you at all times.


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